Monthly Archives: September 2017

Blog Posts: 1–11 of 2
  1. YA Reads II - Now Available

    YA Reads II - Now Available

    Posted on: Sep 21, 2017

    An enormous buzz of excitement is radiating through Badger Towers as our second series of YA Reads have arrived!

    You know a new series is going to be good when you walk through the library at dinner time and see several members of staff reading them. 

    The mature themes touching on sexuality/identity, family breakdown, friendship/relationship issues and dystopia speak and appeal to readers across many different interests. The text level and complexity have been carefully judged to provide a ‘way in’ for young adults with a reading age of 8–9, which coupled with a realistic word count of 5000–6000, make the eight books in this series a valuable resource to encourage and inspire struggling and reluctant readers. 

    Read more about individual on our blog.

  2. Between The Lines Now Available

    Between The Lines Now Available

    Posted on: Sep 13, 2017

    The eight new titles from our eagerly awaited new series of fiction for reluctant teenage readers, Between The Lines, have arrived and are already being sent out to schools!

    These action-packed and thought-provoking titles have a reading age of 8–9 and will captivate teenagers and young adults with their thrilling and varied storylines.

    Featuring mature themes ranging from abandonment and loss to the essence of humanity itself, these titles fulfil a need for age-appropriate fiction with a realistic word count that will encourage and reward struggling and reluctant readers.

    But which one will you read first?

    Promise Me by Ann Evans? Siren Song by Jacqueline Rayner? Annie by Tommy Donbavand? Each title has an enticing, modern cover which catches your attention and the blurbs completely draw you in. These titles really will be an asset to your library.

Blog Posts: 1–11 of 2